مسعود مردیها


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روان پژوه و مشاور

مسعود مردیها


طراح سایت و گرافیک

مترجم و مدرس

شاعر و نویسنده

روان پژوه و مشاور

نوشته های بلاگ

آنان را زنداني كن و تازيانه بزن!

آنان را زنداني كن و تازيانه بزن!
در برحه ای از زمان بر روی اسلام عزیز مطالعاتی داشتم و به مقاله زیر برخوردم. متن زیر با اینکه مخالف اسلام است ولی برای محققین قرار می گیرد تا در مسیر فهم حقیقت آگاهی بیشتری پیدا کنند

ان ارید الا الصلاح

آنان را زنداني كن و تازيانه بزن!

قوانين محمد درمورد زنان

(توسط ديويد وود)

جايگاه زنان در جهان عرب يك منبع انتقاد دائمي به اسلام است.زنان در غرب به چند شوهري و حجاب و ديگر نابرابري ها در كشورهاي اسلامي خيره شده اندو در مورد توسعه سريع اسلام نگران هستند.

قرآن موقعيت جديدي را براي زنان در نظر گرفت و به آنها حقوقي را داد كه در عربستان تنها آرزوي آن را مي توانستند بكنند .پس چرا اختلاف ظاهري بين چيزي كه سابقاً بود و الان هست به نظر مي رسد كه باشد؟پاسخ در زوال بنيان آموزش اسلامي نهفته كه پس از جنگ مغولها و جنگ هاي صليبي در قرون 11تا13 در جهان اسلام رخ داد.فرهنگ هايي كه از موقع به بعد برخواسته بيشتر برگرفته از آموزه هاي محلي و فرهنگ قومي مي باشد تا ارزشهاي اسلامي .

رفتار زنان در جهان اسلام نتيجه حمله مغول و جنگ هاي صليبي است.اگر چنين نبود زنان بايد هنوز ازموقعيت والايي كه محمد به آنها داده بود بهره مي بردند.مدافعان اسلام كاري معوق را شروع كرده اند كه مردم را قانع كنند كه محمد قهرمان حقوق زنان است.قطعاً بحث هاي متعلق به آزادي زنان توسط محمد برخي را قانع كرده است كه احتمالاً محمد بزرگترين قهرمان حقوق زنان تا اينجاي جهان است.توصيف پيشرفت هاي محمد در مورد روابط جنسيتي در نوشته هاي مسلمانان به وفور به چشم مي خورد:

تا قرن هفتم ميلادي اسلام رسم وحشت ناك كودك كشي را در ميان مشركان برانداخت.دستورالعمل هاي واضحي را كه محدوديت چند همسري را موجب مي شد بوجود آورد و از حقوق نامحدود مردان نسبت به زنان جلوگيري كرد و تساوي مادي و روحي زنان و مردان را پايه گذاري كرد.

جامعه عرب حتي نسبت به زمان خود حقوق عقب افتاده اي داشتند.زنان هم از حقوق بسيار اندكي برخوردار بودند.زن با ازدواج جزء اموال مرد مي شد و هيچ زني نمي توانست ازدواجي كه پدرش خواسته بود را رد كند.سوء استفاده هاي ازدواج بدون هيچ مرجع رسيدگي كننده رايج بود.با مرگ شوهر يك زن ،آن زن مي توانست به پسر شوهر ارث برسد و زن او شود.كشتن دختران با زنده به گور كردن آنها در آن جامعه اي كه دختر اضافه، بار ي اضافه بود بسيار رايج بود.زنان حق طلاق و حقوق ارث تعريف شده و راي سياسي نداشتند.مرد مي توانست زني را طلاق دهد و آن را بدون هيچ پولي رها كند.نه محدوديتي براي تعداد زنان يك مرد بود و نه قانوني براي چگونگي رفتار با آنها.آنها جايگاهي براي زن در موقعيت هاي مذهبي و اجتماعي قائل نبودند.برتري همه جانبه مرد بر زن نيز حكم فرما بود.محمد اين تصور را با گفتن اين كلام كه مرد و زن در پيشگاه خدا يكسان هستند تغيير داد.

قرآن براي زنان حقوق صريح ارث و توانايي شهادت دادن در دادگاه و داشتن حق طلاق را تعريف كرده است.قرآن ممنوعيت هايي براي خشونت با دختران  و همچنين آزادي انتخاب در ازدواج و امور اجتماعي تعريف كرده است.زنان مكلف به انجام تمام قوانين فردي و اجتماعي دين در زمينه هاي مجازات هاي اجتماعي و تخلفات اخلاقي شدند.آنها همچنين به در يافت سعادت كه همان بهشت و تقرب به خدا است به طور مساوي تشويق شدند البته درصورتي كه براي احقاق حق و زوال باطل تلاش كنند.

اين مطلب درست است كه محمد باعث ارتقاء موقعيت زنان در آن جامعه شد اما اين مطلب باعث نمي شود 4 مطلب زير ناديده گرفته شود:

1-اينكه محمد به شوهران اجازه كتك زدن زنان را داد.

2-اينكه او به كرْات پايين بودن سطح عقلي زنان را اعلام كرده است.

3-اينكه او آموخت اميد اخروي سعادت زنان خيلي ضعيف و غم افزا است.

4-و اينكه بنابر آموزه هاي محمد ،براي  مردان تجاوز به زنان اسير(برده) قابل قبول است.

با توجه به همه موارد بالا ديدگاه محمد نسبت به زنان واضح تر مي شود.

چهار حقيقت

1-حقيقت اول:قرآن به مردان براي مطيع كردن زنان اجازه (يا شايد دستور) زدن آنها را داده است.

اگر زني به حرف شوهرش گوش ندهد،شوهرش بايد او را پند بدهد.اگر پند هم كاربردي نداشت بايد با شوهرش در يك بستر نخوابند.با اين حال اگر باز هم به سرپرستي شوهر احترام نگذاشت حتي بعد از جدا كردن بستر ،شوهر بايد تنبيه بدني كند .به آيه زير توجه كنيد:

الرِّجَالُ قَوَّامُونَ عَلىَ النِّسَاءِ بِمَا فَضَّلَ اللَّهُ بَعْضَهُمْ عَلىَ‏ بَعْضٍ وَ بِمَا أَنفَقُواْ مِنْ أَمْوَالِهِمْ  فَالصَّلِحَتُ قَنِتَاتٌ حَفِظَتٌ لِّلْغَيْبِ بِمَا حَفِظَ اللَّهُ  وَ الَّاتىِ تخََافُونَ نُشُوزَهُنَّ فَعِظُوهُنَّ وَ اهْجُرُوهُنَّ فىِ الْمَضَاجِعِ وَ اضْرِبُوهُنَّ  فَإِنْ أَطَعْنَكُمْ فَلَا تَبْغُواْ عَلَيهِْنَّ سَبِيلاً  إِنَّ اللَّهَ كاَنَ عَلِيًّا كَبِيرًا(34)(نساء)

مترجمان مسلمان در اين تلاش بوده اند كه به طريقي اين حقيقت را كم رنگ كنند.براي مثال (علي) كلمه “به آرامي” را به ترجمه خود افزوده كه اصلاً در متن اصلي عربي نيست. حتي اگر ما به علي (يوسف) هم اجازه ملايم كردن بخشي را كه تهاجمي است بدهيم آيه هنوز به شوهران اجازه كتك زدن همسران را مي دهد.از اين رو آخرين و بزرگ ترين پيامبر خدا بدرفتاري زناشويي را منع نكرده بلكه حتي بنابر گفته هاي او نياز هم هست.ملت هاي پيشرفته كه قوانيني بر ضد بدرفتاري زناشويي وضع كرده اند از فرمان الله در قرآن  تخطي مستقيم كرده اند.

2-حقيقت دوم: بنابر آموزه هاي محمد زنان قدرت تصميم گيري عاقلانه ندارند چراكه فكر ايشان ناقص است.

البته اين اظهار بدون پاسخ نماند ،محمد به زنان اجازه سوال كردن از ضعف هاي عقلاني اشان را داد .پاسخ او به اين سوالات روشن سازي بود.

{محمد گفت}:اي جماعت زنان ،شما بايد صدقه بدهيد و زياد استغفار كنيد چراكه من شما را در زمره ساكنين جهنم مي بينم.زني باهوش در ميان ايشان گفت:چرا چنين است كه جماعت ما در آتش اند؟پيامبر فرمود: شما فحش و نفرين زياد مي دهيد و قدردان همسران خود نيستيد.هيچ كس را نديدم كه در عقل و دين ناقص بود مگر اينكه عقل خود را به خاطر شما از دست داده بود. زنان گفتند عقل و دين ما چه اشكالي دارد؟پيامبر فرمود براي كم عقل بودن شما(همان طور كه به خوبي برداشت مي شود) همين بس كه شهادت دو نفر از شما با يك نفر مرد برابري مي كند.(صحيح مسلم –عبدالحميد صديق-شماره  142 )

بپيامبر (ص) گفت:آيا شهادت يك زن برابر با نيمي از شهادت مرد نيست؟زنان گفتند:بله.او گفت: اين بدليل نقص عقل اوست. ( صحيح بخاري شماره 2658)

اين جا را توجه كنيد كه در اولين متن ،محمد بقا بيان اين كه ارزش شهادت زن نسبت به مرد نصف است تصديق مي كند كه زنان كمبود قدرت تصميم گيري عاقلانه دارند در عين حال در حديث دوم او با بيان اينكه زنان عقل ناقص دارند تصديق مي كند كه شهادت زنان به خوبي شهادت مردان است منتها نصف آنهاست .اين مثالي كهن براي استدلال دوري يا مصادره بر مطلوب است .ما مشاجره هاي بيشتري را بين محمد و سوال كنندگان مي توانيم درنظر بگيريم.

سوال كننده:اي محمد !چرا جهنم پر است از زنان

محمد:چرا كه آنها قدرت تصميم گيري عاقلانه كم دارند.

سوال كننده:چگونه از حقيقت باخبري كه آنها كم عقلند؟

محمد:اين از ارزش شهادت آنها كه نصف مردان است واضح است.

سوال كننده:اما چرا ارزش شهادت آنها نصف مردان است؟

محمد:به دليل نقصان عقل ايشان.

سوال كننده:چگونه مي فهمي كه عقل ايشان ناقص است؟

محمد:اين از اين مشخص است كه ارزش شهادت ايشان نصف مردان است.

سوال كننده:دوباره ،چرا شهادت ايشان نصف است؟

محمد:بدليل اينكه عقلشان ناقص است.

سوال كننده:شايد تنها چيز ناقص در ايجا بحث تو باشد.

توجه كنيد كه ادعاي محمد در اينجا قابل خدشه است.چراكه مي تواند رد شود و به صورت تئوري ثابت نشدو.ما به راحتي مي توانيم آزمايشي را طراحي كنيم تا پستي فكري زنان نسبت به مردان را تشخيص دهيم.ما همچنين مي توانيم آزمايشي طراحي كنيم كه در آن گروهي زن و مرد شاهد يك تصادف باشند.اگر شهادت مرد دو برابر شهادت زن بود محمد صحيح گفته.والا ما نظر محمد را به عنوان مردي مخالف زنان (مثل همه مردان آنروز ) رد مي كنيم.

3-حقيقت سوم:محمد اميد كمي به زنان براي آخرت داده است.

براستي او بيان كرده است كه بسياري ساكنان جهنم زنان هستند.كساني كه قدردان شوهران نيستند(جالب است كه چنين مجازاتي براي مردان ناسپاس وجود ندارد.و اين سوال مهمي را به وجود مي آورد:آيا زنان مسلمان نسبت به شوهرانشان بيشتر ناسپاس بودند يا برعكس؟اين محتمل نمي آيد.بنار گفته هاي مدافعين اسلام حقوق زنان قبل از اسلام افتضاح بوده است.آيا مردان مسلمان ناسپاسي زيادي نسبت به زنان داشته اند؟احتمالاً نه.طرز برخورد احتمالاً اين گونه بايد بوده باشد،اي زنان براي رفتار خوب ما با شما بايد بهتر قدردان باشيد.با ثابت شدنش اين دقيقاً همان رفتاري است كه در محمد مي بينيم،كسي كه مي گويد زنان ناسپاسي كه ناسپاسي آنها جايگاهي در آتش براي آنهاست.)اين بدان معناست كه بعد از تنبيه شدن ،جداشدن رخت خواب و كتك خوردن زن خوشبين بايد منتظر خلود در نار باشد.

پيامبر(ص) گفت:من بهشت راد يده ام و با دستانم ميوه هاي آن را چيده ام شما هم تا جهان برپاست از آن خواهيد خورد.همچنين آتش را هم ديده ام و تا به حال ترسناك تر از آن را نديده ام.ديدم كه بيشتر اهل نار زنانند.مردم گفتند: يا رسول الله چرا چنين بود؟ پيامبر(ص) فرمود :بدليل ناسپاسي آنها.خواسته مي شود اگرچه آنها نسبت به خدا ناسپاسند.پيامبر(ص) فرمود:آنها با شوهران ناسپاسي مي كردند و شكر گذار نعمات خوب هم نبودند.( Ibid., Number 1052)

(پيامبر فرمود:)اي زنان صدقه دهيد كه من ديده ام اكثريت اهل نار زنان هستند.زنان گفتند: چرا؟پيامبر فرمود: شما فحش و نفرين زياد مي دهيد و قدردان همسران خود نيستيد.من كسي را ناقص تر از زنان در عقل و دين نديدم.اي زنان برخي از شما مي توانيد مردي زيرك را گمراه و شقي كنيد.( Ibid., Number 1462)

حتي اگر اين زنان نفرين كردن را خاتمه دادند و قدر شوهران خود را هم دانسته باشند اميد سعادت اخروي ايشان ضعيف است.محمد گفت :زنان بهشتي بايد گوشه نشيني ابدي داشته باشند تا مردي بيايد و با آنها رابطه جنسي برقرار كند.

پيامبر خدا(ص)فرمود:در بهشت غرفه اي است كه عرض آن 60 مايل است و از مرواريد ساخته شده است و در هر گوشه اي از آن زناني هستند كه تا به حال يكديگر را نديده اند و مومنين آنها را ملاقات مي كنند و لذت مي برند.( Ibid., Number 4879 )

از اين رو زنان مومنه اي كه شوهران را اكرام كرده اند در بهشت هم آماده سرويس دهي جنسي به ايشان هستند.ظاهراً محمد اين را چهره اي مناسب براي بهشت در نظر گرفته است.خيلي از زنان به طور صحيح مخالفت خواهند كرد.

4-حقيقت چهارم:قرآن به مسلمانان اجازه رابطه جنسي با اسرا و برده ها را داده است.

با هجوم شهر به شهر لشكر اسلام ،آنها زنان زيادي را اسير كردند كه اغلب فروخته يا معامله مي شدند.و چون مردان هم مدت هاي مديدي بود كه از زنان خودشان دور بودند آنها منتظر پيامي از خدا براي طرز برخورد با اسرا را داشتند:

وَ الَّذِينَ هُمْ لِفُرُوجِهِمْ حَافِظُونَ(5)

إِلَّا عَلىَ أَزْوَاجِهِمْ أَوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانهُُمْ فَإِنهَُّمْ غَيرُْ مَلُومِينَ(6)(مومنون)

وَ الَّذِينَ هُمْ لِفُرُوجِهِمْ حَافِظُونَ(29)

إِلَّا عَلىَ أَزْوَاجِهِمْ أَوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانهُُمْ فَإِنهَُّمْ غَيرُْ مَلُومِينَ(30)(معارج)

رابطه جنسي داشتن مسلمانان با اسرا حتي در حديث هم آمده است.جايي كه مسلمانان در چگونگي برخورد با اسرا حيران بودند تا آيه آمد و همبستر شدن را مجاز كرد.(صحيح مسلم 3432)(ابيد 3371)(صحيح مسلم 3384)

مسلمانان بدليل اينكه اسرا همسران مشركان بودند از رابطه با آنها سربازميزدند.با اين همه خدا آيه فرستاد كه اين را آزاد كرد .مسلمانان امروزي معتقدند كه اين رابطه تنها بعد از ازدواج بايد انجام شود.اما اين نظر به وضوح باطل است.اصحاب پيامبر خواستار ارتباط جنسي با آنها بودند و در عين حال مي خواستند آنها را بفروشند.آنها از محمد راجع به دخول بدون انزال رحمي صحبت كردند اما محمد آن را داراي مشكل نمي دانست.هر بچه اي كه مقدر است متولد شود متولد مي شود

بنابراين چه با انزال و چه بي انزال مشكلي ندارد.

بدينسان قرآن به مردان اجازه رابطه با زنان اسير را مي دهد (حتي وقتي شوهران ايشان هم زنده باشند-براي اطلاعات بيشتر ببينيد :محمد و زنان اسير و كتاب زنا انجام بده! انجام بده! انجام بده!)و حديث هم شاهد بر انجام اين عمل مي آورد.با اين حال ما بايد آن را از منظر منطقي بررسي كنيم.اين مسلمانان قصد رابطه با اسيراني را داشتند كه بعداً آنها را خواهند فروخت.اين ها زناني بودند كه شوهران و فرزندانشان به دست مسلمانان نابود شده بودند.آيا چنين زني ميلي به رابطه با كسي دارد كه شوهرش را كشته است؟احتمالاً نه.


محمد در مواردي زندگي زنان را بهبود داد.اگر چه برخي اين را دليل بر نبوت او مي گيرند و چنين گفته هايي را پوچ مي دانند.همه اين پيشرفت ها نشان مي دهد كه فرهنگ اسلام از فرهنگ قبلي خود بدتر نيست.محمد اجازه بدرفتاري را داده.زنان را اكثريت اهل نار مي داند.به مردان اجازه رابطه با اسرا را داده.اين شرايط بهتر از شرايط قبل از اسلام است اگرچه محمد از مقام كسي كه احيا كننده حقوق زنان است و جهان تا به حال مثل او نديده بسيار دور است.

در غرب جايگاه زن در طول چند قرن اخير بالاتر رفته است.ما خوشحاليم كه برخي از مسلمانان بر خلاف نظر محمد نسبت به زنان اين خط مشي را دنبال مي كنند.اما هنوز بسياري از پيروان محمد در گمراهي به سر مي برند.ما اميد واريم كه روزي دست به كتاب مقس برند و سخن پيامبر پال را بشنوند كه مي گويد:

اي شوهران زنان خود را دوست داشته باشيد و با آنها تندخو نباشيد.(كلسيان 3:19)

اي شوهران زنان خود را دوست داشته باشيد همان گونه كه مسيح كليسا را دوست داشت و خود را براي آن رها كرد (افسيان 2:25)

شما همه طبق مسيح فرزندان خدا هستيد براي هركسي از شما كه به نام مسيح تعميد داده شده ايد خود را با مسيح پوشانده ايد.نه زن و نه مرد بلكه همه شما يكي آن هم عيسي مسيح.اگر متعلق به مسيحي اولاد ابراهيمي و طبق قول ارث مي بري.(گالاتيان 3:26،29)

This article is a revised and expanded version of an essay that originally appeared on


متن انگليسي اين مقاله

Banish Them to Their Beds and Scourge Them!

Muhammad’s Low Opinion of Women

By David Wood

The status of women in the Arab world is a source of frequent criticism against Islam. Women in the West have fixed their gaze on the polygamy, veils, and other inequalities in Muslim countries and are concerned about the rapid spread of Islam. When Western critics charge that Islam teaches the inferiority of women, Muslims often argue that any disparity between men and women is the result of cultural differences, rather than of Islamic law:

The Qur’an enshrined a new status for women and gave them rights that they could have only dreamed of before in Arabia, so why the seeming disparity between what once was and what now appears to be? The answer lies in the deterioration of basic Islamic education that occurred in the Muslim world after the disasters of the Mongol invasions and the Crusades in the eleventh through thirteenth centuries. . . . Cultures that arose since that time have been characterized by customs and local cultural leanings more than genuine Islamic values.[1]

The treatment of women in the Muslim world, then, is the result of the Crusades and the Mongol invasions. If it weren’t for the Christians and the Mongols, Muslim women would still be enjoying the prominent status given to them by Muhammad.

Muslim apologists have done an outstanding job convincing people that Muhammad was a champion of women’s rights. Indeed, arguments for Muhammad’s liberation of women have convinced some that “Muhammad was probably the greatest champion of women’s rights the world has ever seen.”[2] Descriptions of Muhammad’s improvements in the area of gender relations abound in Muslim writings:

So far back as the seventh century of the Christian era, Islam abolished the horrible practice of female infanticide prevalent among the pagan Arabs, gave clear directions leading to the restriction of polygamy, restrained the unlimited rights exercised by men over their wives, and gave woman both spiritual and material equality with man.[3]

Arab human rights were quite backward, even for the time. Women had precious few rights. A woman became the property of a man upon marriage, and no woman could refuse a match made by her father. Spousal abuse was rampant, with no recourse to any quarter for help. Upon the death of her husband, a woman could be inherited by her son and made her son’s wife. Female infanticide in which newborn baby girls were buried alive in the sand was quite common in a society that considered surplus females a burden. Women had no divorce or well-defined inheritance rights and certainly no political vote. A man could divorce without reason and leave a woman penniless, and there was no limit to the number of wives a man could have, nor rules for how each should be treated. . . . Arabian custom had always dictated that women should take no public role in religious or political activity. The superiority of men over women in all respects was also a widely accepted notion. Muhammad changed that notion by asserting that men and women were equals before God in every sphere. . . . To examine the record of Muhammad and his mission is to gain a new respect for the improvements he made in the lives of both men and women.[4]

The Qur’an provided women with explicit rights to inheritance, to property, the obligation to testify in a court of law, and the right to divorce. It made explicit prohibitions on the use of violence against female children and women as well as on duress in marriage and community affairs. . . . Women were equally responsible for ensuring that all religious duties of the individual and society were fulfilled, in terms of punishment for social, criminal and moral infractions. They were also offered equal opportunities to attain the ultimate boon: paradise and proximity to Allah if they strove with all their means to ‘establish what is good and forbid what is evil’.[5]

While it is true that Muhammad raised the status of Arabian women in some respects,[6] we cannot let this fact cloud certain other issues, namely, (1) that Muhammad permitted husbands to beat their wives, (2) that he repeatedly proclaimed the inferiority of women’s intellectual abilities, (3) that he taught that women’s prospects for the afterlife are extremely bleak, and (4) that, according to Muhammad, it is acceptable for men to rape their female captives. When combined with the above passages describing Muhammad’s beneficial impact on society, these four facts allow us to arrive at a more accurate and well-rounded picture of Muhammad’s view of women. Four Facts

FACT #1: The Qur’an allows (or, perhaps, commands) men to beat their wives into subservience. If a wife doesn’t listen to her husband, the husband should admonish her. If that doesn’t work, he is to make her sleep in a separate bed. However, if the wife still doesn’t respect her husband’s authority, even after she has been banished to another bed, the husband is told to physically punish her. Consider three translations of the following verse:

Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret what Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and scourge them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them. Lo! Allah is ever High Exalted, Great.[7]

Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.[8]

Men are the protectors And maintainers of women, Because Allah has given The one more (strength) Than the other, and because They support them From their means. Therefore the righteous women Are devoutly obedient, and guard In (the husband’s) absence What Allah would have them guard. As to those women On whose part ye fear Disloyalty and ill-conduct, Admonish them (first), (Next), refuse to share their beds, (And last) beat them (lightly); But if they return to obedience, Seek not against them Means (of annoyance): For Allah is Most High, Great (above you all).[9]

Muslim translators have struggled with this passage and have sought ways to water down its clear meaning. For instance, Ali adds the word “lightly” to his translation, which doesn’t occur in the original Arabic. However, even if we allow Ali to tone down the parts of the Qur’an he finds offensive, the verse still allows husbands to beat their wives. Hence, according to God’s last and greatest prophet, spousal abuse is permissible, and perhaps even required. Modern nations that have established laws against spousal abuse are therefore in direct violation of Allah’s command in the Qur’an.

FACT #2: According to Muhammad, women lack common sense because their minds are deficient. Of course, this declaration didn’t go unchallenged. To his credit, Muhammad allowed women to question him about their intellectual deficiencies. His response to these questions was illuminating:

[Muhammad said]: O womenfolk, you should give charity and ask much forgiveness for I saw you in bulk amongst the dwellers of Hell. A wise lady among them said: Why is it, Messenger of Allah, that our folk is in bulk in Hell? Upon this the Holy Prophet observed: You curse too much and are ungrateful to your spouses. I have seen none lacking in common sense and failing in religion but (at the same time) robbing the wisdom of the wise, besides you. Upon this the woman remarked: What is wrong with our common sense and with religion? He (the Holy Prophet) observed: Your lack of common sense (can be well judged from the fact) that the evidence of two women is equal to one man, that is a proof of the lack of common sense.[10]

The Prophet (the blessing and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Isn’t the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?” The women said: “Yes.” He said: “This is because of the deficiency of her mind.”[11]

Notice here that, in the first passage, Muhammad justifies his claim that women lack common sense by stating that their testimony is worth half that of a man. Yet, in the second passage, Muhammad justifies his claim that the testimony of women is half as good as men’s testimony by stating that women have deficient minds. This is a classic example of circular reasoning. We can imagine a conversation between Muhammad and a more critical questioner:

Questioner:“O Muhammad! Why is Hell full of women?”
Muhammad:“Because they lack common sense!”
Questioner:“How do you know they lack common sense?”
Muhammad:“Their lack of common sense can be seen from the fact that their testimony is only half as good as a man’s testimony.”
Questioner:“But why is their testimony half as good as a man’s?”
Muhammad:“Because of the deficiency of their minds!”
Questioner:“How do you know that their minds are deficient?”
Muhammad:“The deficiency of their minds can be seen from the fact that their testimony is worth half the testimony of a man.”
Questioner:“Again, why is their testimony half as good?”
Muhammad:“Because their minds are deficient!”
Questioner:“Maybe the only thing deficient here is your argument.”

Notice also that Muhammad’s claims here are falsifiable. That is, they can be tested and, in theory, disproved. We could easily set up an experiment to see whether Muhammad’s statements about the inferiority of a woman’s intellect are correct. We could also set up an experiment in which a group of men and a group of women each witness the same accident. If the testimonies gathered from the male group are twice as accurate as the testimonies taken from the female group, Muhammad’s statements will have been vindicated. On the other hand, if the reports from the two groups are similar, we can dismiss Muhammad’s ideas as the sexist comments of a man affected by cultural biases.

FACT #3: Muhammad offered women little hope for the afterlife. Indeed, he clearly states that most of the inhabitants of hell are women who were ungrateful to their husbands (though he never suggests that ungrateful husbands will receive similar punishment [12]). This means that, after being admonished, banished to a separate bed, and beaten by her husband, a willful woman can look forward to an eternity in hell:

The Prophet (the blessing and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “I saw paradise and stretched my hands towards a bunch (of its fruits) and had I taken it, you would have eaten from it as long as the world remains. I also saw the Hell-fire and I had never seen such a horrible sight. I saw that most of the inhabitants were women.” The people asked: “O Allah’s Apostle! Why is it so?” The Prophet (the blessing and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Because of their ungratefulness.” It was asked whether they are ungrateful to Allah. The Prophet (the blessing and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “They are ungrateful to their companions of life (husbands) and ungrateful to good deeds.”[13]

[Muhammad said], “O women! Give to charity, for I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-Fire were women.” The women asked, “O Allah’s Apostle! What is the reason for it?” He said: “O women! You curse frequently, and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. O women, some of you can lead a cautious man astray.”[14]

However, even if these women were to stop cursing and to start thanking their husbands, their prospects for the afterlife would still leave much to be desired. According to Muhammad, Muslim women can look forward to an eternity of standing in corners, waiting for men to come and have sex with them:

Allah’s Apostle (The blessing and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “In Paradise there is a pavilion made of a single hollow pearl sixty miles wide, in each corner of which there are wives who will not see those in the other corners; and the believers will visit and enjoy them.”[15]

Hence, good Muslim women who respect their husbands in this life will have the opportunity to continue their sexual service to their husbands in “Paradise.” Apparently, Muhammad considered this to be an appropriate view of Paradise; many women would rightly disagree.

FACT #4: The Qur’an permits Muslims to have sex with their female captives and slaves (i.e. those “whom their right hands possess”). As the Muslim armies raided town after town, they captured many women, who would often be sold or traded. Yet, since the Muslim men were a long way from their wives, they needed wisdom from God to guide them in their treatment of their female captives:

The Believers must (Eventually) win through—Those who humble themselves In their prayers; Who avoid vain talk; Who are active in deeds Of charity; Who abstain from sex, Except with those joined To them in the marriage bond, Or (the captives) whom Their right hands possess—For (in their case) they are Free from blame.[16]

Not so those devoted To Prayer—Those who remain steadfast To their prayer; And those in whose wealth Is a recognized right For the (needy) who asks And him who is prevented (For some reason from asking); And those who hold To the truth of the Day Of Judgment; And those who fear The displeasure of their Lord—For their Lord’s displeasure Is the opposite of Peace And Tranquility—And those who guard Their chastity, Except with their wives And the (captives) whom Their right hands possess—For (then) they are not To be blamed.[17]

The Muslim practice of having sex with captured women is reported often in the Hadith, where we find Muslims perplexed about what to do with their captives. It wasn’t long before Allah sent a revelation allowing the confused soldiers to sleep with the women:

Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) sent an army to Autas and encountered the enemy and fought with them. Having overcome them and taken them captives, the Companions of Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) seemed to refrain from having intercourse with captive women because of their husbands being polytheists. Then Allah, Most High, sent down regarding that: “And women already married, except those whom your right hands possess (4:24)” (i.e. they were lawful for them when their Idda period came to an end).[18]

We went out with Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) on the expedition to the Bi’l-Mustaliq and took captive some excellent Arab women; and we desired them, for we were suffering from the absence of our wives, (but at the same time) we also desired ransom for them. So we decided to have sexual intercourse with them but by observing azl (withdrawing the male sexual organ before emission of semen to avoid conception). But we said: We are doing an act whereas Allah’s Messenger is amongst us; why not ask him? So we asked Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him), and he said: It does not matter if you do not do it, for every soul that is to be born up to the Day of Resurrection will be born.[19]

We went out with Allah’s Apostle (The blessing and peace of Allah be upon him) for the invasion of Bun Al-Mustaliq and we received captives from among the Arab captives and we desired women and celibacy became hard on us and we loved to do coitus interruptus [same as “azl” above]. So when we intended to do coitus interruptus, we said: “How can we do coitus interruptus before asking Allah’s Apostle (The blessing and peace of Allah be upon him) who is present among us? We asked (him) about it and he said: “It is better for you not to do so, for if any soul till the Day of Resurrection is predestined to exist, it will exist.”[20]

Jabir bin Abdullah (Allah be pleased with them) reported that a person asked Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) saying: I have a slave-girl and I practice azl with her, whereupon Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: This cannot prevent that which Allah has decreed. The person then came (after some time) and said: Messenger of Allah, the slave-girl about whom I talked to you has conceived, whereupon Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: I am the servant of Allah and His Messenger.[21]

The Muslims had originally refrained from having sex with their captives because they were the wives of polytheists; nevertheless, God sent a message saying that they were free to have sex with the women. Modern Muslims believe that this sexual intercourse would only have occurred after marriage, but this view is clearly false. Muhammad’s followers said that they wanted to have sex with the women but that they still wanted to sell them. They asked Muhammad about performing coitus interruptus, but Muhammad answered that it doesn’t really matter. All children who are destined to be born will be born, so it doesn’t matter if a man practices coitus interruptus or not.

Thus, the Qur’an permits men to have sex with their female captives (whose husbands were sometimes still alive[22]), and the Hadith provides examples of when this was practiced. Yet we must follow this fact through to its logical conclusion. The Muslims decided to have sex with their captives, whom they were later going to sell. These captives were women whose husbands and families had been exterminated by the Muslims. Would these women gladly consent to sexual intercourse with the men who had killed their families? Probably not. But since the Qur’an and Muhammad authorized sex with these captives, it is highly probable that Muhammad allowed Muslims to rape their captives. Assessment

Muhammad improved the lives of women in Arabia in some ways.[23] However, Muslims sometimes use this fact as evidence of Muhammad’s prophethood. Such an argument is absurd. All that is implied by the improvement in women’s lives is that Islam wasn’t as bad as the culture before it, which says more about the pagans than it does about the Muslims. For, as we have seen, Muhammad permitted spousal abuse, stated repeatedly that women have inferior minds, claimed that most of the people in hell are women, and allowed his men to have sex with their captives. This situation was still probably better than that of women prior to the rise of Islam; however, Muhammad was far from being “the greatest champion of women’s rights the world has ever seen.”

In the West, the status of women has greatly improved over the past few centuries. We can all be thankful that people in some areas of the Muslim world are seeing the change and are trying to adopt similar policies, in spite of Muhammad’s low opinion of women. Yet many areas, intent on following Muhammad’s guidelines, are still in darkness. We can only hope that those who want to heed the Qur’an will one day pick up the Bible and read the words of the Apostle Paul:

Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.[24]

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.[25]

You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into the name of Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.[26]

This article is a revised and expanded version of an essay that originally appeared on http://answeringinfidels.com/.


1 Yahiya Emerick, Muhammad (Indianapolis: Alpha Books, 2002), p. 142.

2 Pierre Crabites, cited in Allama Sir Abdullah Al-Mamun Al-Suhrawardy, The Wisdom of Muhammad (New York: Citadel Press, 2001), p. 20.

3 Ibid., p. 20.

4 Emerick, pp. 8-9, 141, 142.

5 Ziauddin Sardar and Merryl Wyn Davies, The No-Nonsense Guide to Islam (Oxford: New Internationalist Publications, 2004), pp. 121, 122.

6 In their efforts to provide evidence for Islam, Muslims tend to exaggerate the immorality in Arabia before the rise of Islam, so much so that they sometimes conflict with their own claims. For instance, it is often claimed that female infanticide was horribly widespread in Arabia, and that Muhammad improved the situation by outlawing infanticide. Yet Muslims also maintain that there was unbridled polygamy in Arabia, in which men would sometimes marry hundreds of women; Muhammad supposedly improved the situation by limiting men to no more than four wives. The problem here is obvious. If everyone was murdering their daughters, how could there possibly have been so many women to marry? If infanticide was common, women would have been a rare commodity. But there were plenty of women to go around, so infanticide couldn’t have been very common. Further, when Muslims are criticized for allowing polygamy, they often argue that polygamy was acceptable in the time of Muhammad because of the shortage of men. Yet if infanticide was as common as Muslims claim, there would have been an even greater shortage of women, so that polygamy would have been unnecessary.

7 Qur’an 4:34, Mohammed Pickthall Translation.

8 Qur’an 4:34, M.H. Shakir Translation.

9 Qur’an 4:34, Abdullah Yusuf Ali Translation.

10 Sahih Muslim, Abdul Hamid Siddiqi, tr., Number 142.

11 Sahih Al-Bukhari, Dr. Muhammad Matraji, tr. (New Delhi: Islamic Book Service, 2002), Number 2658.

12 This raises an important question: Were Muslim women more ungrateful to their husbands than husbands were to their wives? This doesn’t seem likely. According to Muslim apologists, women’s rights were almost nonexistent in Arabia before Islam (but see Note 23). Would Muslim men have had a great deal of gratitude towards their wives? Probably not. The attitude would most likely have been, “You women had better thank us for treating you so well.” As it turns out, this is exactly the attitude we see in Muhammad, who tells ungrateful women that their ingratitude will earn them a place in hell.

13 Ibid., Number 1052.

14 Ibid., Number 1462.

15 Ibid., Number 4879.

16 Qur’an 23:1-6, Abdullah Yusuf Ali Translation.

17 Ibid., 70:22-30.

18 Sahih Muslim, Number 3432.

19 Ibid., Number 3371.

20 Sahih Al-Bukhari, Number 4138.

21 Sahih Muslim, Number 3384.

22 For more on this, see “Muhammad and the Female Captives” and “Adultery: Do It! Do It! Do It!

23 In other ways, women’s rights seem to have taken a step backwards with the rise of Islam. For example, Muhammad’s first wife, Khadija, was a successful business woman, who was able to select whomever she wished as a husband. Thus, we know that women were able to have prominent positions in society and could wield a great deal of power before the rise of Islam. Under Islamic Law, however, women couldn’t so much as leave their houses without the permission of their husbands (and could only do so in the proper attire).

24 Colossians 3:19, New International Version.

25 Ephesians 5:25.

26 Galatians 3:26-29.

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